Isadora's Legacy
Devoted to the Dance of Isadora Duncan (1877-1927)
Cloud Improvisations


Photographer  -  Peter Hoffman

"I see America dancing," Isadora wrote (in the spirit of Walt Whitman).  Her dream was to dance in a more natural way - "to search for truth through movement."  Isadora believed that to awaken human emotion was the highest level of art.  Modern dance is an art, a dance of the spirit as well as the body.  We move because our spirit moves and we become one with the music. 

The above photographs show Barbara Kane, a London based Duncan Dancer, and Roberta Hoffman doing improvisations (1997).   Barbara and Roberta first met in New York in the 1970s.  Barbara studied Duncan dance with Hortense Kooluris, Julia Levien, and Madeleine Lytton.