Current Projects

Projects include:
(1) An oral history video featuring Hortense Kooluris, one of the members of Irma Duncan’s
American Duncan Dance Company (1930-1933). Ms Kooluris was a student of Irma,
Anna, and Maria-Teresa Duncan, and had studied previously with Anita Zahn and Erna Lane.
This video is approximately 90 minutes in length.
(2) A videotape of “Footsteps of Isadora,” a dance performance by Roberta Hoffman conducted
in conjunction with First Night Frederick 2000 (Frederick, Maryland). The dances included
are Narcissus, Gypsy, Revolutionary Dance, Mother, Bacchanale, Furies, and Rose Petals.
This video is approximately 30 minutes in length.
(3) A videotape of “Celebrating Isadora Duncan,” a dance performance by Roberta Hoffman
and special guest Reiko Morita (Professor, Kawamura Gakuen Women’s University, Chiba, Japan)
on September 5, 2000. The dances included are Waltz Study, Narcissus, Tanagra Figures,
Lullaby, Furies, Classical Duet, Revolutionary Dance, Rose Petals, and the Graces.
This video is approximately 25 minutes in length.